Laboratory diagnostics

Price list for paid medical services

Position #Service nameMeasurement unitTariff excluding VAT, rub.Tariff, including VAT, rubles.Cost of materials, rubles .Including VAT, RUBTotal price of the service, rubles.
Laboratory diagnostics  
1 Individual operations            
1.1. pipetting            
1.1.2. pipetting with semi-automatic pipettes pipettes 0.04 0.04 0.21   0.25
1.2. sample reception and registration registration 0.36 0.36 0.06   0.42
1.4. blood draw            
1.4.1. blood sampling from a finger for hematological (research of one indicator), biochemical studies, determination of the international normalized ratio (hereinafter - INR) sample 0.36 0.36 1.79   2.15
1.4.2. blood sampling from a finger for the entire spectrum of hematological studies in the concept of "complete blood count" sample 0.72 0.72 1.86   2.58
1.4.3. blood draw from a vein (Standard) sample 0.80 0.80 2.55   3.35
1.4.3. taking blood from a vein (Standard_1 (antibodies to SARS-COV-2)) sample 0.80 0.80 4.41 0.36 5.21
1.5. processing blood to receive            
1.5.1. processing blood to obtain serum sample 0.54 0.54 0.31   0.85
1.5.2. processing blood to obtain plasma sample 0.54 0.54 0.31   0.85
2 General clinical laboratory tests            
2.1. urine analysis by manual methods            
2.1.1. urine analysis by manual methods: determination of quantity, color, study of transparency, sediment, relative density, pH investigated 0.25 0.25 0.22   0.47
2.1.4. protein definition:    urine test: pyrogall red protein determination investigated 1.00 1.00 0.45   1.45
2.1.9. manual urine examination: microscopic examination of sediment :.    urinalysis: microscopic examination normal investigated 0.60 0.60 0.41   1.01 for pathology (protein in urine) investigated 0.90 0.90 0.42   1.32
2.1.10. urine test: counting the number of formed elements by the Nechiporenko method investigated 1.74 1.74 0.61   2.35
2.1.11. determination of the concentration ability of the kidneys according to Zemnitsky investigated 1.50 1.50 1.69   3.19
2.1.14. performing urine tests with analyzers:    urine analysis with analyzers: study of a complex of parameters of general urine analysis using semi-automatic analyzers based on "dry chemistry" methods investigated 0.57 0.57 1.33   1.90
2.10. examination of the discharge of the genitourinary organs (from the urethra, cervical canal, vagina, prostate secretion            
2.10.1. microscopic examination    study of urogenital discharge: preparations of native material investigated 0.96 0.96 0.16   1.12 study of urogenital discharge: preparations stained with methylene blue investigated 1.65 1.65 1.54   3.19 study of urinary tract discharge: Gram-stained preparations investigated 2.55 2.55 0.12   2.67
2.10.2. examination of a vaginal smear for the functional state of the ovaries (epithelial cells of the vagina, karyopycnotic index, maturation index) investigated 2.32 2.32 0.71   3.03
2.11. examination of human ejaculate            
2.11.1. instruction on receipt and delivery of material investigated 0.49 0.49     0.49
2.11.2. determination of physical and chemical properties of sperm investigated 0.49 0.49 0.27   0.76
2.11.3. microscopic examination of the ejaculate    determination of the number of spermatozoa in Goryaev's chamber, in the bottom milliliter of ejaculate and in the entire amount of ejaculate investigated 3.18 3.18 0.09   3.27 microscopic examination of native preparations investigated 3.18 3.18 0.15   3.33 microscopic examination of the stained smear investigated 2.20 2.20 0.18   2.38
2.12. postcoical test (Shuvarsky's test) and its modification investigated 2.20 2.20 0.15   2.35
3 Hematological tests            
3.1. blood test:            
3.1.1. preparation of a peripheral blood sample for cytomorphic examination (making blood smears, fixation, staining)    Hematological blood test: manual method sample 1.80 1.80 0.13   1.93
3.1.2. microscopic (morphological) analysis of cells in a peripheral blood preparation with a description of the formed elements (visual microscopic examination    no pathology investigated 1.44 1.44 0.07   1.51 with pathological changes investigated 3.67 3.67 0.11   3.78
3.1.7. reticulocyte count    supravital coloring investigated 2.93 2.93 1.44   4.37
3.1.8. platelet count    in Fonio stained strokes investigated 2.70 2.70 0.17   2.87 thrombocytogram investigated 8.56 8.56 0.17   8.73
3.1.11. blood sample analysis using hematology analyzers    analysis of a blood sample using an automatic hematological analyzer with differentiation of leukacytic formula    blood sample analysis on hematology analyzers with manual sample supply investigated 0.12 0.12 1.57 0.01 1.69
3.1.12. determination of erythrocyte sedimentation rate    non-automated method investigated 0.36 0.36 0.01   0.37
4 Cytological studies            
4.1. Cytological studies: reception and registration of biomaterial drug 0.18 0.18 0.50   0.68
4.2. exfoliative cytology:            
4.2.1. gynecological material    examination of cervical smears as part of preventive examinations (screening) staining with azure-eosin methods    two-stage microscopy system    microscope preparation and initial microscopic examination drug 0.72 0.72 1.03 0.01 1.75 registration of studies with identified pathology drug 0.90 0.90     0.90 microscopic examination of smears with pathological changes drug 2.45 2.45 0.13   2.58 one-stage microscopy system    cytogram with the wording of the conclusion drug 1.70 1.70 1.06 0.01 2.76 cytogram with details of the identified changes and the wording of the conclusion drug 2.65 2.65 1.11 0.01 3.76 diagnostic tests    gynecological material from the cervix, or cervical canal, or vagina, or vulva, or IUD, or during culldocentesis drug 3.43 3.43 1.34 0.01 4.77 gynecological material from the uterine cavity (staining with azure-eosin dyes) drug 4.17 4.17 1.37 0.01 5.54 gynecological material from the uterine cavity (stained with hematoxylin-eosin) drug 4.17 4.17 1.45   5.62
4.2.2. examination of scrapings and discharge    from the surface of erosions or ulcers, preparation or wounds, or fistulas, or from the nipple of the breast drug 3.10 3.10 1.63 0.02 4.73 from the surface of tumor-like or pigmented formations of the skin drug 4.50 4.50 1.66 0.03 6.16
4.3. puncture cytology            
4.3.1. examination of punctates or smears-prints obtained with trepan biopsy, or intraoperative from formations of various localization drug  from the mammary, or thyroid, or prostate, or skin, or bone marrow drug 4.84 4.84 1.51 0.02 6.35 from formations in the head and neck, or lungs, or mediastinum, or liver, or pancreas, or spleen, or gallbladder, or kidneys, or ureters, or bladder, or testes, or ovaries, or soft tissues, or bones, or drug 5.84 5.84 1.55 0.02 7.39
4.3.2. examination of biological fluids (pleural, or ascitic, or cerebrospinal, or other) or lavage fluids (lavage water) drug 4.59 4.59 1.51 0.02 6.10
4.4. examination of endoscopic material (staining with azure-eosin dyes) drug 4.35 4.35 1.51 0.02 5.86
4.4. examination of endoscopic material (staining with hematoxylin-eosin) drug 4.35 4.35 6.69 0.88 11.04
4.5. revision (consultation) of finished microslides drug 4.94 4.94 1.06   6.00
5 Biochemistry            
5.1. blood test            
5.1.1. blood serum (plasma) test    research using multichannel biochemical automated photometers    Finite Point Studies investigated 0.39 0.39 5.74   6.13 conducting research using multichannel biochemical autoanalyzers    average productivity (from 100 to 300 tests per hour)    biochemical blood tests using multichannel biochem analyzers of average production with manual registration of test results (! Common for all b / x) investigated 0.41 0.41 2.29   2.70 biochemical blood tests using multichannel biochem analyzers of average production with manual registration of test results (ALT) investigated 0.41 0.41 0.22   0.63 biochemical blood tests using multichannel biochem analyzers of average production with manual registration of test results (Albumin) investigated 0.41 0.41 0.11   0.52 biochemical blood tests using multichannel biochem analyzers of average production with manual registration of test results (Alpha-Amylase) investigated 0.41 0.41 0.18   0.59 biochemical blood tests using multichannel biochem analyzers of average production with manual registration of research results (AST) investigated 0.41 0.41 0.15   0.56 biochemical blood tests using multichannel biochem analyzers of average production with manual registration of test results (total protein) investigated 0.41 0.41 0.09   0.50 biochemical blood tests using multichannel biochem analyzers of average production with manual registration of test results (total bilirubin) investigated 0.41 0.41 0.08   0.49 biochemical blood tests using multichannel biochem analyzers of average production with manual registration of research results (direct bilirubin) investigated 0.41 0.41 0.10   0.51 biochemical blood tests using multichannel biochem analyzers of average production with non-automated registration of research results (GGTP) investigated 0.41 0.41 0.21   0.62 biochemical blood tests using multichannel biochem analyzers of average production with manual registration of test results (glucose) investigated 0.41 0.41 0.10   0.51 biochemical blood tests using multichannel biochem analyzers of average production with manual registration of test results (Iron) investigated 0.41 0.41 0.18   0.59 biochemical blood tests using multichannel biochem analyzers of average production with manual registration of test results (potassium, sodium, calcium) investigated 0.41 0.41 4.30   4.71 biochemical blood tests using multichannel biochem analyzers of average production with manual registration of test results (Creatinine) investigated 0.41 0.41 0.43   0.84 biochemical blood tests using multichannel biochem analyzers of average production with manual registration of test results (LDH) investigated 0.41 0.41 0.29   0.70 biochemical blood tests using multichannel biochem analyzers of average production with manual registration of test results (Magnesium) investigated 0.41 0.41 7.69   8.10 biochemical blood tests using multichannel biochem analyzers of average production with manual registration of test results (Uric acid) investigated 0.41 0.41 0.16   0.57 biochemical blood tests using multichannel biochem analyzers of average production with manual registration of test results (Urea) investigated 0.41 0.41 0.21   0.62 biochemical blood tests using multichannel biochem analyzers of average production with manual registration of test results (Pancreatic Amylase) investigated 0.41 0.41 0.64   1.05 biochemical blood tests using multichannel biochem analyzers of average production with manual registration of test results (Triglycerides) investigated 0.41 0.41 0.22   0.63 biochemical blood tests using multi-channel biochem analyzers of average production with manual registration of test results (inorganic phosphorus) investigated 0.41 0.41 0.19   0.60 biochemical blood tests using multichannel biochem analyzers of medium production with manual registration of test results (high density cholesterol) investigated 0.41 0.41 1.73   2.14 biochemical blood tests using multichannel biochem analyzers of medium production with manual registration of test results (low density cholesterol) investigated 0.41 0.41 1.73   2.14 biochemical blood tests using multichannel biochem analyzers of average production with manual registration of test results (total cholesterol + (U-CRB)) investigated 0.41 0.41 1.73   2.14 biochemical blood tests using multichannel biochem analyzers of average production with manual registration of test results (Alkaline phosphatase) investigated 0.41 0.41 0.23   0.64
5.1.2. whole blood test    whole blood glucose determination investigated  determination of glucose in whole blood by express method (Chemokyu glucose in whole blood) investigated 1.08 1.08 2.35   3.43
5.2. urine test            
5.2.1. determination of microalbumin in urine by immunoturbidimetric method investigated 3.62 3.62 5.70   9.32
6 Studies of hemostasis            
6.1. individual manipulations calibration and quality control of studies            
6.1.1. processing venous blood to obtain plasma    processing venous blood to obtain platelet-rich plasma sample 0.54 0.54 0.32   0.86 processing venous blood to obtain platelet-free plasma sample 0.72 0.72 0.51   1.23
6.2. general tests            
6.2.1. thromboelastography (computed thromboelastography)    thromboelastography non-automated registration of test results investigated 2.23 2.23 16.32   18.55 thromboelastography automated registration of research results (TEG (without activator)) investigated 2.23 2.23 15.60   17.83 thromboelastography automated registration of research results (TEG (heparin)) investigated 2.23 2.23 11.90   14,13 thromboelastography automated registration of research results (TEG with kaolin) investigated 2.23 2.23 11.42   13.65
6.3. local (specific) tests            
6.3.1. study of primary (vascular-platelet) hemostasis    platelet aggregation study    with impedance aggregometers in whole blood, using inducers or ADP or ADP + PGE, or thrombin receptor activating peptide or arachidonic acid    screening test (ADF) investigated 2.23 2.23 39.29   41.52 screening test (TRAP) investigated 2.23 2.23 28.62   30.85
6.3.2. study of secondary (plasma) hemostasis    carrying out investigations using multichannel optomechanical automatic hemostasis analyzers    study of secondary plasma hemostasis automated registration of test results (Antithrombin-3) investigated 1.98 1.98 13.92   15.90 study of secondary plasma hemostasis automated registration of test results (APTT) investigated 1.98 1.98 2.12   4.10 study of secondary plasma hemostasis automated registration of test results (Lupus anticoagulant + confirmatory) investigated 1.98 1.98 52.95   54.93 study of secondary plasma hemostasis automated registration of test results (Protein C) investigated 1.98 1.98 18.87   20.85 study of secondary plasma hemostasis automated registration of test results (Protein S) investigated 1.98 1.98 32.06   34.04 study of secondary plasma hemostasis automated registration of test results (Prothrombin time) investigated 1.98 1.98 2.23   4.21 study of secondary plasma hemostasis automated registration of test results (Thrombin time) investigated 1.98 1.98 2.79   4.77 study of secondary plasma hemostasis automated registration of test results (Fibrinogen according to Clauss) investigated 1.98 1.98 10.37   12.35 research using semi-automatic optomechanical hemostasis analyzers    screening tests:    determination of activated partial thromboplastin time (hereinafter - APTT) investigated 3.69 3.69 1.20   4.89 extended APTT correction test investigated 3.50 3.50 19.41   22.91 determination of the content of fibrinogen in blood plasma according to Clauss investigated 3.69 3.69 6.01   9.70 custom tests:    determination of the activity of the blood coagulation factor or 2, or 5, or 7, or 10, or 8, or 9, or 11, or 12, or 8 in plasma using deficient plasma investigated 3.47 3.47 0.77   4.24 circulating anticoagulants    physiological anticoagulants:    .5. determination of factor Va resistance to activated protein C (factor V anomaly - Leiden) -APC-resistance by clotting method investigated 3.45 3.45 4.08   7.53 .6. determination of protein S activity    .6.2. by immunoturbidimetric method investigated 3.45 3.45 32.14   35.59 pathological anticoagulants:    .1. lupus anticoagulants:    .1.1. phospholipid dependent coagulation tests (primary screening):    .1.1.1. APTT with lupus-sensitive cephalin investigated 3.45 3.45 1.89   5.34 plasmin (fibrinolytic) system:    determination of either fibrinogen degradation products (D fragments), or fibrin degradation products (D-dimer)    .2. immunoturbidimetric method (DD) (D-dimers) investigated 3.69 3.69 7.84   11.53
7 Immunoassay            
7.1. ELISA method (hormones: tumor markers, markers of allergies, antibodies to viral and bacterial antigens, markers of immune status, markers of autoimmune pathology, cytokines, growth factors and other markers in biological fluids            
7.1.1. Immunological studies ELISA method sample preparation investigated 2.16 2.16 0.36   2.52
7.1.3. Immunological studies ELISA method automated analysis (17-ОН) investigated 2.79 2.79 0.80   3.59
7.1.3. Immunological studies ELISA method automated analysis (DEAS) investigated 2.79 2.79 0.83   3.62
7.1.3. Immunological studies ELISA method automated analysis (ELISA) investigated 2.79 2.79 10.50   13.29
7.1.3. Immunological studies ELISA method automated analysis (Chlamydia IgA) investigated 2.79 2.79 0.79   3.58
7.1.3. Immunological studies ELISA method automated analysis (Chlamydia IgG) investigated 2.79 2.79 0.79   3.58
7.1.4. Immunological studies ELISA method based on strip technologies (LgG to H. pylori) investigated 2.45 2.45 17.31   19.76
7.1.4. Immunological studies ELISA method based on strip technologies (LgG to rubella virus) investigated 2.45 2.45 8.62   11.07
7.1.4. Immunological studies ELISA method based on strip technologies (LgG to thyroid peroxidase - ATPO) investigated 2.45 2.45 22.17   24.62
7.1.4. Immunological studies ELISA method based on strip technologies (LgG to toxoplasma) investigated 2.45 2.45 10.30   12.75
7.1.4. Immunological studies ELISA method based on strip technologies (LgG to cytomegalovirus) investigated 2.45 2.45 8.99   11.44
7.1.4. Immunological studies ELISA method based on strip technologies (LgM for rubella virus) investigated 2.45 2.45 10.42   12.87
7.1.4. Immunological studies ELISA method based on strip technologies (LgM to toxoplasma) investigated 2.45 2.45 11.37   13.82
7.1.4. Immunological studies ELISA method based on strip technologies (LgM to cytomegalovirus) investigated 2.45 2.45 20.06   22.51
7.1.4. Immunological studies ELISA method based on strip technologies (Alpha-fetoprotein - AFP) investigated 2.45 2.45 21.17   23.62
7.1.4. Immunological studies ELISA method based on strip technologies (Vitamin D- (total)) investigated 2.45 2.45 21.94   24.39
7.1.4. Immunological studies ELISA method based on strip technologies (HIV) investigated 2.45 2.45 7.81   10.26
7.1.4. Immunological studies ELISA method based on strip technologies (Hepatitis B) investigated 2.45 2.45 15.89   18.34
7.1.4. Immunological studies ELISA method based on strip technologies (Hepatitis C) investigated 2.45 2.45 16.57   19.02
7.1.4. Immunological studies ELISA method based on strip technologies (Chorionic Gonadotropin-HCG) investigated 2.45 2.45 16.43   18.88
7.1.4. Immunological studies ELISA method based on strip technologies (D-dimers) investigated 2.45 2.45 38.51   40.96
7.1.4. Immunological studies ELISA method based on strip technologies (Cortisol) investigated 2.45 2.45 19.84   22.29
7.1.4. Immunological studies ELISA method based on strip technologies (Luteinizing hormone -LH) investigated 2.45 2.45 13.71   16.16
7.1.4. Immunological studies ELISA method based on strip technologies (Oncomarker - CA 125) investigated 2.45 2.45 23.59   26.04
7.1.4. Immunological studies ELISA method based on strip technologies Oncomarker - CA 19-9) investigated 2.45 2.45 23.58   26.03
7.1.4. Immunological studies ELISA method based on strip technologies (Antigen determination - CA 15-3) investigated 2.45 2.45 23.64   26.09
7.1.4. Immunological studies ELISA method based on strip technologies (Progesterone) investigated 2.45 2.45 10.35   12.80
7.1.4. Immunological studies ELISA method based on strip technologies (Prolactin) investigated 2.45 2.45 17.00   19.45
7.1.4. Immunological studies ELISA method based on strip technologies (Protein C) investigated 2.45 2.45 19.98   22.43
7.1.4. Immunological studies ELISA method based on strip technologies (Cancer Embryonic Antigen - CEA) investigated 2.45 2.45 12.54   14.99
7.1.4. Immunological studies ELISA method based on strip technologies (Free thyroxine - FT4) investigated 2.45 2.45 6.50   8.95
7.1.4. Immunological studies ELISA method based on strip technologies (Free triiodothyronine - FT3) investigated 2.45 2.45 6.58   9.03
7.1.4. Immunological studies ELISA method based on strip technologies (Testosterone) investigated 2.45 2.45 15.40   17.85
7.1.4. Immunological studies ELISA method based on strip technologies (Thyroid stimulating hormone - TSH) investigated 2.45 2.45 7.18   9.63
7.1.4. Immunological studies ELISA method based on strip technologies (von Willebrandt factor) investigated 2.45 2.45 16.49   18.94
7.1.4. Immunological studies ELISA method based on strip technologies (Ferritinin) investigated 2.45 2.45 15.74   18,19
7.1.4. Immunological studies ELISA method based on strip technologies (Follicle-stimulating hormone -FSH) investigated 2.45 2.45 13.71   16.16
7.1.4. Immunological studies ELISA method based on strip technologies (Estradiol) investigated 2.45 2.45 10.35   12.80
7.4. immunochromatography method            
7.4.1. immunophromotography method (express diagnostics) determination in biological fluids (antibodies to SARS-COV-2) China) (Standard test) investigated 2.95 2.95 14.42   17.37
7.4.1. immunophromotography method (express diagnostics) determination in biological fluids (antibodies to SARS-COV-2) China) (Turkey standard test) investigated 2.95 2.95 17.81   20.76
7.5. immunohematology            
7.5.1. determination of blood groups according to the ABO system using isohemaglutinating sera    in capillary blood investigated 3.91 3.91 1.37   5.28
7.5.2. determination of blood groups according to the ABO system by a cross method using isohemagglutinating sera and standard erythrocytes    in venous blood Dia Cla ABO / Rh + AB investigated 3.42 3.42 2.23   5.65
7.5.3. determination of blood groups by the ABO system and Rh factor using monoclonal reagents    in capillary blood investigated 3.67 3.67 0.77   4.44 in venous blood investigated 2.93 2.93 0.76   3.69
7.5.10. Immunohematological studies by gel agglutination    determination of blood groups by the ABO system by a cross method and the Rh factor in a gel test system using ID-cards on an ID-centrifuge (adult) investigated 1.47 1.47 16.15   17.62 determination of blood groups by the ABO system by a cross method and the Rh factor in a gel test system using ID-cards on an ID-centrifuge (Newborn) investigated 1.47 1.47 8.69   10.16 determination of the phenotype of erythrocytes by antigens of the Rhesus b Kell system in a gel test system using ID cards on an ID centrifuge investigated 1.47 1.47 11.87   13.34 detection of alloimmune anti-erythrocyte antibodies in an indirect antiglobulin test in a gel test system using ID cards on an ID centrifuge investigated 1.96 1.96 9.10   11.06 determination of the specificity of identified alloimmune anti-erythrocyte antibodies in an indirect antiglobulin test in a gel test system using ID cards on an ID centrifuge investigated 6.11 6.11 35.66   41.77 determination of the titer of alloimmune anti-erythrocyte antibodies in an indirect antiglobulin test in a gel test system using ID cards on an ID centrifuge investigated 7.34 7.34 42.60   49.94 detection of anti-erythrocyte antibodies in a direct antiglobulin test (direct Coombs' test) in a gel test system using ID cards on an ID centrifuge investigated 1.96 1.96 3.66   5.62
7.19. determination of acute phase and specific serum proteins            
7.19.1. Immunological studies : determination of acute phase and specific proteins by turbidimetric method (CRP) investigated 6.11 6.11 2.89   9.00
7.26. syphilis diagnostics:            
7.26.2. precipitation microreaction (hereinafter - MRP) with cardiolipin antigen:    diagnosis of syphilis: MRP with cardiolipin antigen with inactivated native blood serum -quality method (one in a series) (RW (syphilis)) investigated 1.99 1.99 1.51   3.50
7.26.3. RPGA with one diagnostic:    Immunological tests: diagnosis of syphilis RPHA with one diagnosticum - qualitative method (RW) investigated 2.84 2.84 4.43   7.27
8 Microbiological research            
8.1. clinical microbiology:            
8.1.14. Microbiological studies: study on urea, mycoplasma in the discharge of the genitourinary organs, urine, sputum using commercial test systems without sampling in the laboratory (Ureamikoplasma) investigated 2.20 2.20 19.88   22.08


The cost of materials and medicines required for the procedures is calculated at current prices, based on the approved consumption rates for medicines and materials.


I would like to express my deep gratitude to all the staff of the obstetrics department of pregnancy pathology for their attentive attitude to each patient and the performance of their job responsibilities at a high level. I would also like to express my appreciation and admiration to the head of the department, Natalya Yanovna Skobeleva, and obstetrician-gynecologist Elena Valentinovna Sveiko for their medical skills, professionalism, tact and responsiveness! I wish you health and success in your difficult work. Continue to keep the professional and human bar at a high level.

I would like to express my deep gratitude to the head A.V. Obukhovich and all the medical staff of the EVSC for their high professionalism, competence, individual approach, wisdom, and attentiveness. I also thank the chief physician, Pyotr Leonidovich Mosko, for the excellent conditions of the hospital and the high-quality selection of employees. I wish you all good health and well-being!

I would like to express my gratitude to all the staff of the CMHMR hospital to the gynecological department No. 1. For a good and professional attitude towards sick patients. This department employs sensitive, kind and qualified people with "golden" hands and hearts. I want to express my great gratitude to my attending physician Sergey Ivanovich Luschikov that the operation went well, namely by saving my ovary, which was covered in cysts. I bow low to you and wish you good health and a decent salary for what you do with your own hands.

I express my gratitude to the surgeon Tatyana Mikhailovna Tkachuk, the anesthesiologist Galina Nikolaevna Chadovich and all their assistants for the operation for genital prolapse performed on July 12, 2024. I also thank all the medical and technical staff who treat us with love and delicacy.

I would like to express my gratitude to the obstetrician-gynecologist Yulia Lenkevich for a warm welcome, for kind advice, and for high professionalism. I visited the reception here for the first time and I am delighted with such friendly, sensitive, responsive doctors who treat a person with kind words. I wish her good health, boundless happiness, success in her work and grateful patients.

I am sincerely grateful to the real Doctor-a doctor of the highest qualification category of Tonkikh Iraida Gordeevna. Attentive, professional, radiating kindness; a wonderful person, the visit was as informative and competent as possible. Thank you so much for being with us, Iraida Gordeeva!

I would like to note the work of the excellent doctor Irina Gordeevna Tonkikh, express my deep gratitude for the high level of service, attentiveness, pleasant communication and attitude towards the patient, which is a great rarity in our time. A doctor should first of all have such qualities as insight, compassion and an individual approach to the patient. Thank you, Irina Gordeevna, for being there!

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the obstetrician-gynecologist (head) of the obstetric-gynecological endovideosurgical center of the Minsk region of the State Health Institution "KRDMO" Andrey Viktorovich Obukhovich. Andrey Viktorovich is a doctor from God, to whom you trust the most valuable thing, your life and health. A talented person is talented in everything. A friendly, friendly team of professionals works under the wise leadership of Andrey Viktorovich. It is wonderful that in the Minsk region there are such specialists as Andrey Viktorovich Obukhovich.

I would like to express my enormous gratitude to the wonderful head of the physiotherapy department, Eleonora Nikolaevna Volkovets!!! For her competence, individual approach, sincere desire to help and sort out not only a person's physiological problem, but also to simply support and talk in a human way, to set up a positive solution to the problem. Unfortunately, not all doctors today can boast of such a great desire to help people who need their help. Many thanks to her! I would also like to express my gratitude to the rest of the medical staff of this department. They are all very friendly, empathetic, know their job and do it perfectly. I was also pleased with the atmosphere among the workers, which sets them up for good results.

I am sincerely grateful to the 1st gynecological department for the attention you have given. Your high professionalism, tact, goodwill, and care for patients deserve deep respect. Special words of gratitude to doctor Shmak K.I. Thank you all for your work, kind heart! I sincerely wish you patience, long years of boundless activity with a quick recovery of patients.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the staff of the gynecological department #2, namely: the head of the department Tkachuk Tatyana Mikhailovna, senior nurse Garbuzova Inna Aleksandrovna, nurses Titovets O.V. and Verbitskaya O.G. for their well-coordinated work, clear performance of their duties and sensitive attitude towards patients. Special heartfelt thanks to the team on duty on the night from 06/14/2024 to 06/15/2024 - doctor Doroshevich Olga Ivanovna, nurse Yurchenko Alina, anesthesiologist Svetlana Anatolyevna Sepatskaya. Thank you very much for your work, dedication and excellent attitude.

I would like to express my deep gratitude to the wonderful doctor, highly qualified specialist Lidiya Rostislavovna Shiryaeva. On June 18, 2023, my son was born while L.R. Shiryaeva was on duty. A true professional, attentive, responsive, tactful. It is very important to feel in good hands, especially during childbirth. Thank you, CMHMR Healthcare Institution, for such specialists. Deep bow to the doctor, good health and success!

I would like to thank the medical staff of the physiotherapy department. Their sensitive and kind attitude makes the procedures less unpleasant. Many thanks to them.

I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the gynecologist Makuta Lyubov Vyacheslavovna, the ultrasound doctor Shorokh Irina Grigoryevna, the midwife Basalai Elena Ivanovna and the ultrasound nurse Kravtsova Olga Aleksandrovna. By the will of fate, I had to come to the consultation at the CMHMR. The entire staff treated me with understanding, since I am disabled. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to them for their understanding. We need more people like you. Thank you very much.

I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the gynecologist Putik A.D. and the anesthesiologist Deninis P. for their professionalism and attentive attitude. I have rarely met such responsive doctors in my life. Many thanks to them. They are doctors from God. Good luck to them in their difficult and very necessary work for us.

To the first gynecological department. We express our deep, sincere gratitude to doctors Selitskaya S.N., Boltrushko Zh.V., Pilipenko E.O., Nekrashevich S.V. for their noble work, for the highest professionalism, for knowledge of their business, for skillful hands, moral support, and warmth of heart. We also thank the junior staff for their patience, responsiveness, and attentiveness. We also thank the buffet attendants, who always greet us with a smile and a kind heart. Many human thanks for your noble cause. We wish you all success, happiness, well-being, prosperity, and many years of healthy life.

Friends advised to sign up for an ultrasound scan and courses on preparation for childbirth at the maternity hospital at the address: Minsk, F. Skorina 16. Good attitude of the medical staff, the information on the courses is very useful.

I express my deep gratitude to the midwife of the maternity ward, Malevich Svetlana Nikolaevna. Only thanks to your qualifications, skills and abilities, my child was born.

Friends advised me to seek advice from a gynecologist at the regional maternity hospital. I signed up through paid services, I'm very pleased with the good attitude, got appointments, I'm recovering.

Regional maternity hospital, doctor Shmak K.I. She gave birth in August. I am grateful with all my heart and soul to the entire team of professionals who accompanied me from the moment of birth to discharge!

Gave birth in October 2019. Is free. Medvedev's doctor is from God. Insanely happy that it was in this hospital that I gave birth. There were partner births.

Gave birth on April 7, 2020. Free, but the attitude was as paid. Very cozy and comfortable. They explained everything and helped. I was very pleased.

End of November, free delivery. The best impressions. Low bow to all the staff and deep gratitude for the attitude towards women in labor and children and the incredible humanity with which everyone works there.

July. Free delivery. Doctors, obstetricians, neonatologists and everything is at the highest level. Full information about everything. And yes, there were interns all the time. It was all worth it !!! Doctors from God, grateful with all my soul!

Excellent maternity hospital, helpful staff. Some positive impressions.

The maternity hospital exceeded my expectations !!! Anyone who is relevant - only here I advise you to go to give birth! The professionalism and friendliness of the doctors are just at their best! Everything in the maternity hospital is modern, not like in the USSR !!!