In vitro fertilization at the expense of budget funds
The package of documents required to send spouses to the Minsk Regional Commission:
- Spouses' statement
- Extract from medical documents indicating the diagnosis according to ICD-10, concomitant diseases, disability
- The results of laboratory and clinical examinations - Decree No. 124 of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Belarus dated 12.24.2019 "On the use of assisted reproductive technologies"
- Referral to Regional Patient Selection Board for one free IVF attempt
- Spouses' passports (photocopies)
- Documents confirming marriage
On the basis of the decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated 05/18/2020. No. 171 one IVF attempt is provided free of charge exclusively to married couples under the following conditions:
- the presence of medical indications and the absence of medical contraindications determined by the Ministry of Health;
- lack of medical indications for the use of donor germ cells;
- the spouses have citizenship of the Republic of Belarus;
- the spouse's age is not older than 40 years.
1 / In the event of an inability to conceive, a married couple applies to the state outpatient health care organization at the place of registration (place of stay) or to a non-state health care organization (hereinafter, unless otherwise indicated, - a health care organization).
2. The spouses are subject to a medical examination and, if necessary, treatment in accordance with clinical diagnostic and treatment protocols.
After the medical examination and (or) treatment, the spouse and (or) spouse is established:
- presence (absence) of medical indications and absence (presence) of medical contraindications to the use of the IVF procedure;
- absence (presence) of medical indications for the use of donor germ cells.
3. For the free provision of one IVF attempt, the spouses personally apply with a corresponding application, drawn up in an arbitrary form, to the regional commission for the selection of patients for the free provision of an IVF attempt, and in Minsk - to the Minsk city commission on the selection of patients for the free provision of an IVF attempt (hereinafter referred to as the regional commission).
Simultaneously with the application are submitted:
- spouses' passports;
- documents confirming the marriage;
- extract from medical documents.
4. The main health departments of the regional executive committees, the health committee of the Minsk city executive committee form regional commissions, determine their staff, chairman and secretary, as well as the time and place of meetings of the regional commission.
5. Meetings of the regional commission are held as needed, but at least once a week. Minutes are drawn up following the results of the meetings.
6. The regional commission considers the documents specified in clause 6 of these Regulations, and in the absence of grounds for refusal to accept the application established by law, no later than fifteen days from the date of submission of the application, takes one of the following decisions:
- on referral to a healthcare organization determined, if possible, taking into account the wishes of the spouses for the free provision of one IVF attempt;
- on refusal to provide one IVF attempt free of charge when submitting documents and (or) information that does not meet the requirements of the law, including forged, forged or invalid documents;
- on refusal to provide one IVF attempt free of charge and on referral to a healthcare organization for additional medical examination and (or) treatment.
The decision made by the regional commission to grant or refuse to provide one attempt of in vitro fertilization free of charge, drawn up in the form according to Appendix 1, is issued to the spouses on the day of the meeting of the regional commission.
7. In case of disagreement with the decision of the regional commission, it can be appealed by the spouses to the republican commission on issues of free provision of IVF attempts (hereinafter - the republican commission).
8. The Republican Commission operates on the basis of the State Healthcare Institution “Republican Scientific and Practical Center“ Mother and Child ”(hereinafter - State Institution“ Republican Scientific and Practical Center “Mother and Child”). Personal composition, chairman and secretary, time and place of meetings of the republican commission are determined by the Ministry of Health.
9. Republican Commission:
- considers complaints of spouses about disagreement with the decision of the regional commission and makes a decision on granting or refusing to provide one attempt of in vitro fertilization free of charge;
- determines the approximate number of free IVF procedures in healthcare organizations for the next calendar year.
10. Meetings of the republican commission are held as needed, but at least once a month. Minutes are drawn up following the results of the meetings.
11. In case of disagreement with the decision of the republican commission, it can be appealed by the spouses in court.
12. To record and analyze the IVF attempts provided free of charge, state health organizations, within a period of no more than 3 working days from the date of the free IVF procedure, send information on the implementation of the in vitro fertilization procedure at the expense of budgetary funds to the State Institution "Republican Scientific and Practical Center" Mother and Child " 2.
From 01.01.2021 in the health care institution "Clinical Maternity Hospital of the Minsk Region", a preliminary registration of married couples has been organized to submit documents to the Minsk Regional Commission for the selection of patients for the free provision of IVF attempts:
- Registration by phone 269-72-25
Acceptance of documents (the list is indicated on the website under the heading IVF at the expense of budgetary funds) is carried out daily, except weekends and holidays.