The main task of the clinical diagnostic laboratory is to conduct a wide range of laboratory tests for all departments and outpatients.
The laboratory includes hematological, general clinical, biochemical, coagulogic, serological and isoserological, immunological departments.
The laboratory is equipped with modern high-tech equipment manufactured in 2018-2020.
Therapeutic and functional capabilities of the department:
- Conducting thromboelatography - allows you to assess the coagulation and anticoagulant system of the blood, taking into account the plasma, platelet and cellular (erythrocytes) components . It is performed even in newborns with cephalohematomas and other conditions, since only 1 ml of venous blood is required;
- Carrying out the functional activity of platelets on the analyzer "Multiplate" allows you to assess the function of platelets in various conditions and assess the risk of thrombosis and bleeding;
- Determination of D-dimers, antithrombin III, Cu S proteins;
- Diagnosis of antiphospholipid syndrome;
- Determination of markers of inflammation: C-reactive protein, ultrasensitive CRP, procalcitonin, presepsin, ferritin, etc.;
- Determination of vitamin D, including the possibility of conducting a study from capillary blood;
- Infection panel (ELISA hepatitis, toxoplasmosis, rubella, cytomegalovirus, Helicobacter);
- Hormones: sex hormones, thyroid hormones;
- Determination of markers of inflammation: C-reactive protein, ultrasensitive CRP, procalcitonin, presepsin, ferritin, etc.:
- Determination of blood group affiliation according to the ABO system and Rh - affiliation;
- Determination of incomplete anti-erythrocyte antibodies (direct
- Phenotyping of erythrocyte antigens according to the Rhesus and Kell system.
- and indirect Coombs' test);
- Determination of the specificity (identification) of the identified alloantibodies;
High-tech equipment
- Performing a complete blood count at home;
- Performing a full range of laboratory services, including for newborns and children;
- Provision of consultation with a doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics on the results obtained and recommendations for further laboratory services;
- Pregnant women and husbands can have a complete immunohematological examination.
a consultation?
Call us and we will help you!
+375 (17) 269-72-03
- We will advise You and your loved ones
- Make an appointment
- We will provide full assistance