Everyday care for patients
World Patient Safety Day is a global campaign to raise awareness of patient safety and coordinate efforts to ensure it, both nationally and internationally.
Every year, on the eve of the holiday, the World Health Organization (WHO) chooses a theme that will become a slogan and call to action for the next 365 days. In 2023, in recognition of the central role of patients, their families and carers in ensuring the effectiveness of the treatment and diagnostic process, World Patient Safety Day will focus on the theme “Enhancing the role of patients in the safe delivery of health care”.
Involving patients and their families is one of the key strategies to reduce the risk of complications and improve safety in the health care process. At the same time, it is very important that patients become active partners with health care professionals in providing them with the care they need.
The doctor-patient relationship is a central part of healthcare and medical practice. They must be built on trust, respect, communication and mutual understanding to ensure high quality patient care and optimal physician performance. At the same time, the trusting aspect of this relationship must be mutual: the doctor trusts the patient with information that may be relevant to this case, and the patient, in turn, trusts him with some details of his life, understanding that the doctor is obliged to respect his privacy and not disclose this information to third parties.
Patient safety culture.
To improve the level of health and the effectiveness of diagnostic and treatment procedures, and to prevent complications, recommendations have been developed for the population, since each of us is a potential patient.
Remember that the basis of your health and well-being is disease prevention, which includes a whole range of measures: quitting smoking and alcohol abuse, maintaining a normal weight, proper nutrition, physical activity, strengthening the immune system (sufficient sleep, use of vitamin D3, minerals ), compliance with hygiene rules.
Try to seek medical help in a timely manner so as not to waste time and not turn the problem into a chronic one.
When visiting a doctor, provide complete and accurate information about your health and any problems that have arisen - this is important for making a correct diagnosis.
Do not hesitate to ask questions if you are a patient or a relative/legal representative to get more information about the disease, its causes and course, about the prevention of complications and the correct tactics for emerging problems.
Inform medical professionals about any deviations in the state of your health or the health of your ward when receiving medical care.
Get a second opinion if you need more information to make decisions about your health, and be sure to discuss this with your healthcare provider.
Be polite and tactful. Remember that rude behavior can negatively affect treatment results. Studies have shown that staff who experience or witness rude behavior from patients or their relatives have a reduced ability to effectively carry out some of their more basic tasks and procedures.
Goals for World Patient Safety Day 2023
Raise global awareness of the need for active engagement with patients and their families in all types of healthcare settings at all levels in order to improve patient safety
Engage policymakers, health leaders, health and social care providers, patient groups, civil society organizations and other stakeholders in efforts to encourage patient and family participation in health care safety policies and practices
Empower patients and their families to actively participate in health care delivery and work to improve the safety of health care services
Encourage all partners to take urgent action to engage patients and their families in their care, in line with the Global Patient Safety Action Plan 2021–2030.