Flu vaccination
In the Clinical Maternity Hospital of the Minsk Region, vaccination against influenza has begun on a paid basis with Vaxigrip Tetra (France) vaccines.
Currently, there is a slight increase in the incidence of ARI. This is an expected phenomenon for the beginning of the autumn season. In anticipation of the epidemic rise in the incidence of influenza, a vaccination campaign for the population is carried out annually.
First of all, protection against influenza is important for high-risk groups:
children aged 6 months to 3 years;
children over 3 years old and adults with chronic diseases and immunodeficiency conditions;
persons over 65 years of age;
pregnant women;
medical and pharmaceutical workers;
children and adults in institutions with 24-hour stay.
Vaccination against influenza, as well as the responsible attitude of each person to non-specific prevention measures (personal hygiene rules, social distance, use of respiratory protection) will influence the epidemic process and curb the spread of respiratory pathogens.
Registration is carried out using the call center phone number:
+375 (29) 188-55-36.
No special preparation is required for vaccination. It is not recommended to be vaccinated during periods of acute illness or exacerbation of a chronic disease.
Remember: the flu is dangerous due to the development of complications! September-October is the optimal time for vaccination. Protect yourself and your loved ones!