Week of Parental Love
In Belarus, two important dates are celebrated annually - Mother's Day and Father's Day. The first coincides with the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary - it is celebrated on October 14. The second - Father's Day - Belarusians will celebrate on October 21. Let us remind you that the new holiday Father's Day was established in our country on October 21 according to Decree No. 198, which was signed on June 9, 2022 by the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko. The period of time between these dates was called the Republican Week of Parental Love.
The Week of Parental Love is primarily dedicated to the efforts of each parent, their support and the love they put into raising their children.
In honor of the holidays, on October 13, a festive concert was organized at the KRDMO Institution with the participation of the BRAND.BY art project, to which veterans of the institution were also invited.
To congratulate their mothers, the trade union committee held a Republican campaign “Let’s congratulate mom and dad together!”, where employees could choose a postcard and send kind words to the person closest to them.
Mother's Day is another opportunity to thank the main person in our lives for their love and care, and for all the selfless sacrifices they make for the benefit of their children.
Low bow to you, dear mothers! We wish you and your loved ones good health, prosperity and well-being, reliable support, and responsive care. Always be surrounded by respect and love!