World Handwashing Day is celebrated on October 15th every year.
The date was established by the UN General Assembly jointly with the UNICEF Children's Fund and the World Health Organization in 2008. World Clean Hands Day is dedicated to the basics of personal hygiene. Its main goal is to make hand washing a habitual action, both at home and outside.
The theme of World Handwashing Day 2023 is “Clean hands, always available”
Washing your hands with soap is the most effective and most affordable way to protect yourself from many infectious diseases. Thus, hand washing can reduce acute intestinal diseases by 30–48% and reduce the number of acute respiratory infections by 20%.
Three billion people, or 40% of all people on Earth, do not have the opportunity to regularly wash their hands with water and soap. Three quarters of those who lack access to water and soap live in the world's poorest countries and are among the most vulnerable. Universal access to hand hygiene must become a reality for everyone, in all settings, especially in health care settings, schools and crowded public places. This approach is recommended by WHO to achieve universal access to hand hygiene products and improve hand hygiene practices to prevent the transmission of infections.
An adult should not only remember the importance of hygiene, but also teach children to always remember the need to wash their hands correctly and often. In order for children to become a habit of washing their hands, it is necessary to teach them by example how to do this simple but vital procedure. Hand washing should become a natural habit for every person.
How to wash your hands correctly?
Wet your hands with warm water, if possible, and soap them (or apply a small amount of liquid soap (more preferable) in an amount of 1.5 - 2 ml;
Rub your hands until the soap foams, paying attention to your fingers, the skin between your fingers and under your nails;
Continue rubbing your hands for another 15 seconds;
Rinse off the soap under running water;
Dry your hands with a paper towel, and also use a paper towel to turn off the faucet or if you need to open the bathroom door.
Remember that hand washing rules are not always followed by people around you who touch the same objects as you, for example, in transport, in shops, at work. Wash your hands to improve your quality of life and maintain the well-being of your loved ones!
To prevent your own infection and stop the spread of germs, everyone must follow simple rules:
Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds:
Ø after visiting the toilet;
Ø after leaving a public place;
Ø after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing;
Ø after handling the mask;
Ø after caring for the patient;
Ø after touching animals;
Ø before eating or preparing food;
Ø before touching your face.
If soap and water are not available, use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.